Editor: Perform powerful data analysis in the familiar Microsoft Excel environment. Get repeatable results and empower Microsoft Excel with accurate, reliable statistics.
StatFi is a highly affordable statistical package that brings complex statistical and analytical calculations into Excel. Unlike the functions that are built into Excel, StatFi provides reliable, repeatable results of the data analysis.
It is virtually impossible to get repeatable results of statistical analysis when using bare Microsoft Excel. Excel is a great tool for starters. Allowing you to enter data interactively, Excel puts you into a TraP of performing all calculations interactively. If you make a mistake in your data of the calculations, it is practically impossible to trace the mistake down to the wrong bit.
StatFi offers a great, straightforward upgrade path to the demanding users who’ve outgrown the limited statistical capabilities provided by Microsoft Excel. Offering the same familiar, convenient Excel look and feel, StatFi greatly expands the analytical and statistical capabilities of Microsoft Excel. Supporting ISO2602:1980, ISO 2854:1976, and ISO 3207:1975 standards ensures repeatable results of every analysis.
Statistical features:
basic statistics:
determining descriptive statistics
normality tests
T-Test/Pagurova Criterion/G-Criterion
Fisher F-test
correlation coefficients (Pearson, Fechner) and covariation
Frequency tables analysis
ANOVA (MANOVA, GLM ANOVA, Latin squares analysis)
nonparametric statistics:
2x2 Tables Analysis (Chi-square, Yates Chi-square, Exact Fisher Test, etc.)
rank correlations (Kendall Tau, Spearman R, Gamma, etc.)
comparing independent samples (Mann-Whitney U Test, Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, Wald-Wolfowitz Runs Test, Rosenbaum Criterion;Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA, median test)
comparing dependent samples (Wilcoxon Matched Pairs Test, Sign Test, Friedman ANOVA, Kendall's Coeff. of Concordance)
Cochran Q Test